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I just found that Windows regularly saves logs about power efficiency here, there are about 1 or 2 reports for every previous month and they include old file names/locations.Ĭ:\Windows\AppCompat\Programs\RecentFileCache.bcf HKCU\Software\Microsoft\Internet Explorer\Low Rights\ElevationPolicyĬ:\Users\All Users\Microsoft\Windows\Power Efficiency Diagnostics HKCU\Software\Microsoft\Internet Explorer\Low Rights\DragDrop Spotify apparently also added keys here, which is now invalid: Contains file location, invalid ones may be cleaned. I found a Spotify entry here, which was uninstalled. HKLM\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\services\eventlog\Application: This one contains traces of old file names, not locations. HKLM\SOFTWARE\Wow6432Node\Microsoft\Tracing:

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This one contains lots of old file names and locations. HKCU\Software\Microsoft\Internet Explorer\LowRegistry\Audio\Polic圜onfig\PropertyStore:

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They can search Unicode strings, which uncovers more traces. I too would love a native 圆4 build sign me up ,its been a while now for privazer, after seeing you guys got the autodetection of drives just about perfect aka ssd or mechanical when delete without a trace command is issued, has there already been talks of integrating system level delete aka any delete command comming in either from a program or user would be automatically a delete without a trace command, id love that alot! just dont call it transparent wiping or else therell be copyright troubleītw pauly hows privazer compared to bcwipe in traces left any feedback from your side?Īnd what about this issue, does privazer take care of it?Īnd is erase file slack as well as erase directory slack space for ntfs drives already implemented, maybe even a feature to have the file time stamps changed upon OS restart or something like it if possibleītw when i delete without a trace does it remove just the file contents or the file naming as well can i restore old filenames of deleted files but the contents itself just simply being overwritten? if so have you thought of having secure delete first randomize the file description and its contents before secure wiping with the selected algorithm of choice, please do correct me if im wrongīy using the SearchMyFiles and RegScanner programs I can find some other traces of old uninstalled or portable files.

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